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Why do Fairnurse pay nearly double what other agencies are paying?

1. You’re your own boss.

It was never an option in the past, but with Fairnurse, your dream of being self- employed can be a viable option. Escaping the rat race and living life as you please.

2. You earn more money.

On average, self-employed nurses earn 80% more than those who work in tradition agencies and a staggering 103% more than those who are traditionally employed. They’re also allowed to deduct certain business expenses that employees are not, allowing to actually keep more of what you earn.

3. You enjoy variety.

As a self-employed nurse, your job environment is constantly changing. You’re expected to continually adapt, learn, and update your skills. With every new practice comes a new challenge. It’s a great feeling to know that your skills are being put to good use and that those skills are going to continue to grow.

4. No Co-worker drama.

Your favourite co-workers became your friends and are likely still a part of your life. Everyone else? Good riddance!

5. You set your own Schedule.

As your own boss, you’re the one who creates your schedule. You might chose to work full-time with Fairnurse or part-time alongside another dental nurse job.

6. You’re more valued.

As a self-employed dental professional, you’re a highly-valued individual. More importantly, you get to decide what that value is, through a well devised pricing structure like Fairnurse. You’ll get rated for your work. And, you’ll start to earn some recognition amongst the dental community.

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